Our plant in Hostomel, Ukraine

PrJSC Vetropack Gostomel Glass Factory produces, sells and distributes glass packaging in Ukraine. Our glassworks is located in Hostomel.

production lines
punt mark
punt mark

With melting capacity of 600 metric tons per day, the Gostomel Glass Factory numbers among Ukraine's leading glass producers. It was founded in 1912 in the Kyiv region. Vetropack acquired a majority shareholding in the company in 2006.


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PrJSC Vetropack Gostomel Glass Factory
2 Rekunova Sq.
UA-08290 Hostomel, Kyiv
Phone +38 (044) 392 41 00

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  1. VPG Structure 31.12.2023.pdf.p7s
  2. VPG Structure 31.12.2023
  3. Ownership structure 31.12.2023.pdf.p7s
  4. Ownership structure 31.12.2023
  5. Intermediate information of the Issuer for 3Q.2023.7z
  6. Intermediate information of the Issuer for 2Q.2023.7z
  7. Intermediate information of the Issuer for 1Q.2023.7z
  8. Intermediate information of the Issuer for 4Q.2022.7z
  9. Intermediate information of the Issuer for 3Q.2022.7z
  10. Intermediate information of the Issuer for 2Q.2022.7z
  11. Intermediate information of the Issuer for 1Q.2022.7z
  12. Annual information of the Issuer for 2022.7z
  13. Annual information of the Issuer for 2021.7z
  14. Report
  15. Report
  16. 00333888_report.rtf.xml  
  17. Minutes VPG GSA No.37 (ENG draft) 2023 – 09.04.2024
  18. Special information - change of a member of the Supervisory Board
  19. Special information - a significant transaction
  20. NOTIFICATION of untimely placement.zip
  21. Special information on entering into significant transactions.zip
  22. Intermediate information of the Issuer for 4Q.2023
  23. Financial Statements for 2022 with an independent auditor's report
  24. Financial Statements for 2021 with an independent auditor's report
  25. Information on the adoption of a decision on granting consent to the commission of significant transactions.7z
  26. Information on the change in the composition of the issuer's officials.7z
  27. Information on changing the composition of the Issuer officials.rtf
  28. Information on changing the composition of the Issuer officials.rtf.p7s
  29. Information on changing the composition of the Issuer officials.xml
  30. Information on changing the composition of the Issuer officials.xml.p7s
  31. Intermediate information of the Issuer for 4Q.2021.xml.p7s
  32. Intermediate information of the Issuer for 4Q.2021.xml
  33. Intermediate information of the Issuer for 4Q.2021.rtf.p7s
  34. Intermediate information of the Issuer for 4Q.2021.rtf
  35. Intermediate_information_of_the_Issuer_for_3Q.2021(xml.p7s)
  36. Intermediate_information_of_the_Issuer_for_3Q.2021(rtf.p7s)
  37. Intermedia_information_of_the_Issuer_for_3Q.2021(xml)
  38. Intermediate information of the Issuer for 3Q 2021
  39. Notice of tender for mandatory audit under IFRS 2021
  40. Extract from the Unique state register of enterprise and organization of Ukraine 13.04.2017 (change of the company's name)
  41. Record from the Unique state register of enterprise and organization of Ukraine 2017 (Private JSC)
  42. Shares Registration Certificate
  43. Public irrevocable request for acquisition of shares from all owners of PrJSC Vetropack Gostomel Glass Factory
  44. Statement as of 27.11.2018
  45. Special Emitent Information 2019
  46. Povidomlennya pro provedenna zboriv aktsioneriv 2019
  47. Special Emitent Information 2019
  48. Information on consent 2019
  49. Changes in Emitent's Officials 2019
  50. Property Structure
  51. Annual information of the Issuer for 2018
  52. 2018 independent audit report
  53. Qualified electronic signature (stamp) 00010323
  54. Qualified electronic signature (stamp) 00010142
  55. Qualified electronic signature (stamp) 00010159
  56. Qualified electronic signature (stamp) 00009888
  57. Qualified electronic signature (stamp) 00018440
  58. Tender for mandatory IFRS 2019 audit
  59. Regulations 2019
  60. Annual information of the Issuer for 2019
  61. Financial Statements for 2020 with an independent auditor's report
  62. Annual Information of the Issuer for 2020(rtf)
  63. Annual Information of the Issuer for 2020(rtf.p7s)
  64. Annual Information of the Issuer for 2020(xml)
  65. Annual Information of the Issuer for 2020(xml.p7s)