Yurii Korotkin
Hot End Workshop Operator
While the Russians were occupying Gostomel, I took my wife and children to western Ukraine; I myself went with other men to defend our homeland. I fought on the front line from April 2022 to January 2023, until I suffered a serious wound when I came under enemy tank fire during the assault on the village of Kremenskaya in Luhansk province.
"Colleagues from the plant often call me to give their support; they say that they will not stop helping – and that gives me strength. The community of our plant is still my big, warm-hearted family."

The doctors in the hospital fought to save my life, and my wife took care of me. She also used to work at Vetropack in Gostomel, so she handled our application for assistance. I wasn’t harassed. The money was urgently needed, because I was moved from one hospital to another, and I’d already undergone five operations. My wife rented a flat so she could be constantly near me throughout this time, and she bought the medicines I needed. Our elder daughter took care of her younger brother by herself. Although the doctors' prognoses have not been encouraging so far, we have accepted the situation. We have a long path of treatment and rehabilitation ahead of us, with several more operations over a period of one and a half to two years.
What Vetropack is doing for its employees is very important. The Foundation provides essential support even when the government is unable to help.