Industrijska baština Hrvatskog zagorja
08.06.2022: U zagrebačkom Tehničkom muzeju Nikola Tesla otvorena je izložba Industrijska baština Hrvatskog zagorja, na kojoj je predstavljena i povijest tvornice stakla u Humu na Sutli i njezina važnost za gospodarski i društveni razvoj lokalne zajednice.
The main topic of the exhibition is the history of industralisation in this part of Croatia and its heritage. There were different industrial fields developed in Hrvatsko Zagorje (some of them are still active) and they are presented through numerous documents, maps, photos and more than 300 objects. The exhibition was organised by the Technical Musem Nikola Tesla in cooperation with the Museums of Hrvatsko Zagorje and the author of the exhibition Josip Kajinić. It will stay open until July 24th 2022.